Dexterity testing is used for rehabilitation and return to work, for skills assessment, perception and motor coordination of Personnel selection and development. Dexterity testing is usually used in automotive and pharma industry. TehnikaPERM offers four different dexterity tests. The Purdue Pegboard Test, this device has been used extensively to aid in the selection of employees for jobs that require fine and gross motor dexterity and coordination. It measures gross movements of hands, fingers, arms, and fingertip dexterity as necessary in assembly tasks. Grooved Pegboard Test measures performance speed in a fine motor task by examining both sides of the body. Hand Tool Dexterity Test consists of tools and two uprights with bolts, washers, and nuts. The O’Connor Finger Dexterity Test is primarily used as a predictive tool wherever rapid manipulation of objects, especially the picking up and placing of small parts, is important.

Purdue Pegboard Test

Dexterity test for skills assessment - Purdue Pegboard Test
The Purdue Pegboard Test was first developed by Joseph Tiffin, Ph.D., an Industrial Psychologist at Purdue University in 1948. Since that time, this device has been used extensively to aid in the selection of employees for jobs that require fine and gross motor dexterity and coordination. It measures gross movements of hands, fingers, arms, and fingertip dexterity as necessary in assembly tasks. Intended for industrial use and assembly work in a factory setting, the test is now being studied for use in other special areas such as patients with Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke sufferers, and similar illnesses. Physical and Occupational Therapists also use the Purdue Pegboard for injury rehabilitation, using the test as a tool to obtain baseline data on a patient documenting the progress and/or degree of disability.

Grooved Pegboard Test

This manipulative dexterity test contains twenty-five holes with randomly positioned slots and pegs which have a key along one side. Pegs must be rotated to match the hole before they can be inserted. This procedure measures performance speed in a fine motor task by examining both sides of the body, inferences may be drawn regarding possible lateral brain damage. The test requires more complete visual motor coordination than most of our pegboards and has been used in several neuropsychological test batteries, in student labs, and as a screening technique in industrial environment.

Hand Tool Dexterity Test

Dexterity test for skills assessment - Hand Tool Dexterity Test
This test measures proficiency in using ordinary mechanical tools. The test consists of tools and two uprights with bolts, washers, and nuts. The object is to disassemble all the bolts from one upright and reassemble them on corresponding rows of the other upright with the heads of the bolts inside. This type of skill is important to many industrial jobs and apprentice training. Results of the test have been used to determine vocational interest and as an indicator of success where job/tasks require the use of these or similar tools. The Hand Tool Dexterity Test is complete with examiner’s manual, norms, 15/16 inch Open End Wrench, 1/2 inch Open End Wrench, 10 inch Crescent Wrench, Screw Driver, and all required Bolts, Nuts, and Washers.

O’Connor Finger Dexterity Test

The O’Connor Finger Dexterity Test requires hand placement of 3 pins per hole. Consisting of 100 holes about 3/16 inches in diameter, holes are arranged in ten rows and spaced ½ inch apart. Primarily used as a predictive tool wherever rapid manipulation of objects, especially the picking up and placing of small parts, is important.